CADR was approved as an IMI Qualifying Assessment Program for certification of IMI Certified Mediators on 16 November 2018.
IMI Qualifying Assessment Programs certify mediators against the international standards established by the International Mediation Institute, and are assessed against the rigorous criteria outlined below.
IMI Certification is available to any experienced mediator who gains a certificate from a Qualifying Assessment Program (QAP) as a result of a performance-based assessment approved by the IMI Independent Standards Commission (ISC).
The following are key requirements for a QAP to be approved by the ISC:
1. Mediator Experience
The QAP must include a methodology for ensuring that Applicants have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Program’s Assessors a substantial level of experience as a mediator. The QAP must include clearly identified criteria on this requirement. Mediators without 200 hours or 20 mediations are unlikely to be sufficiently experienced.
2. Mediation Knowledge
The QAP must include a methodology for determining that Applicants have demonstrated a strong understanding of general mediation theory and practice which may be based on written tests, essays, reports, theses interviews and/or other testing platforms.
3. Mediator Skills
The QAP must include a methodology for the evaluation of candidates’ performance in terms of the occurrence and effectiveness of mediation process and mediation techniques, against high competency benchmarks. Because of the wide variety of mediation processes and styles, and to allow for innovation and creativity in the field, Program criteria will vary and consequently the ISC is not establishing fixed competency benchmarks. The Evaluations/Assessments may be based on roleplay or live action assessments, and may include videotaped and online assessments such as web dramas, self-assessments, interviews, peer reviews, user feedback and other in-practice skill evaluations.
4. Program Transparency
The benchmarks and criteria applied by QAP must be published and be openly accessible on the organization’s website. Details of all approved programs will be listed on the IMI web portal and will include a direct link to the credentialing organizations’ websites.
5. Program Integrity
Each Assessor must have substantial experience of assessing the performance of mediators. At least one of the Assessors on each Program must be independent of the QAP.
6. Ongoing monitoring of Programs
The QAP must include a process for the ongoing monitoring of the performance and practice of the Assessors. IMI will liaise closely with all recognised program organizers to maintain a sustainable quality control system.
7. Commitment to Diversity
The QAP must be accessible on an equal basis to experienced mediators regardless of their professional affiliations, gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation or other personal characterization.
- See the IMI website for detailed news:
- See the locations CADR intending on conducting assessments:
Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR), Uluslararası Arabuluculuk Enstitüsü Arabulucu Yeterlilik Değerlendirme Programı (International Mediation Institute Qualifying Assessment Program – IMI QAP) şartlarını karşılayarak, programa kabul edildi.
IMI Bağımsız Standartlar Komisyonu tarafından arabulucuların niteliklerini değerlendirmek için hazırlanan program, arabulucuların yüksek düzeyde arabuluculuk bilgi, beceri ve tecrübesine sahip olup olmadığını belirlemeyi amaçlıyor.
CADR akredite arabulucu (MCADR) olan tecrübeli arabulucular, gerekli aşamaları tamamladıktan sonra IMI Sertifikalı uluslararası arabulucu olabilecek; CADR ve IMI internet sitesinde üyelik profiline sahip olabilecekler. Başvuru şartları yakında internet sitemizin “Sertifikasyon” sayfasında duyurulacaktır.
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanımız Şamil Demir ticari arabuluculuk konusundaki güncel gelişmeler ile ilgili olarak Hürriyet Gazetesi’ne röportaj verdi.
14.11.2018 tarihinde “Ticari uyuşmazlıklara da zorunlu arabuluculuk geliyor” başlığıyla yayınlanan röportajında Sn. Şamil Demir, Hürriyet mubabirinin altı milletvekili tarafından Meclis Başkanlığına sunulan kanun teklifinin getirdiği, ticari uyuşmazlıklarda zorunlu arabuluculuk sistemini değerlendirdi. Haber metni için TIKLAYINIZ